
Look, I’m not trying to imply that I want people to starve, or anything like that, but when you read about things like this in the news, where people blatantly take advantage of the fact that the system was down and a major retailer was allowing this fraud to take place, don’t be surprised when no one around you agrees with this sort of thing. It’s theft. You are stealing from a system that is funded by taxpayer money, and you’re not even paying for any of this in the first place, glitch or not. I sincerely hope that those people who took advantage of this either have to pay that money back, or be docked of their future spending limits for the next few months to cover the overages they took out as the result of this glitch. That will teach you that nothing in this world is truly free. Assistance programs are one thing, but blatant dependency is another. I simply cannot understand why people willingly choose to be dependent on someone as cold and corrupt as our government, an entity whom can easily pull the rug out from under you with little or no notice, and leave you to rot if they believe you to be a liability. It’s as if we stopped teaching ourselves any self-reliance or accountability so that we can be artificially happy off someone else’s dime for as long as we breathe. Yet with those same gasps of air, we crusade to fight cancer and other viruses that are effectively doing the same thing at a smaller level.

Yes, I just compared you to cancer. How does that make you feel? Angry? Upset? You should be. You should demand more from yourself. You should want to be a better person. There will always be days when shit sucks and you don’t want to get out of bed, but if you’re giving it your best 95% of the rest of the time, you can be a lazy sack of shit and have someone else wait on you that other 5% because you earned it with hard work and dedication to your craft. There will come a day when these people won’t feel like pulling the wagon for the rest of you who’d rather hitch a free ride, and when they either join you, or leave themselves behind to die, who is going to keep pulling for you, and when no one is left to pull, what are you going to do?

That day will come. Maybe not now. Maybe not next week, or next year, or 25 years from now, but it will come if we continue to promote sloth in our society. Hopefully I will be dead before it comes full circle, so I can laugh from whatever cold heartless hell I end up in if such a place exists and death isn’t just blackness.

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