Kingdom of None

When it comes to the topic of homosexuality, religion, and it’s role in today’s society, and one man’s views over someone else’s views, it really, really, grinds my gears, when people ignore the very document that enables us to be able to practice our own religion, embrace our own sexuality, or love whomever we want. These people who form organizations in support of the LGBT community, they do so in order to raise awareness and promote equality in society for those who are of their own convictions and want to be accepted. They have the same protection and freedom as any religion in America has, under our Constitution.

But never, ever, confuse this for giving you the right to indoctrinate others, slander those of different faiths, or imply that those who do not side with your cause are bigots, homophobes, or racists. For decades I have listened to mostly far-left liberals slander those who practice religion and faith as being ignorant, backwards, and uncultured. It saddens me, because these are people who contribute to our workforce, raise our children, protect our country, and help feed us all. We’ve morphed into a society that continues to tear down the traditionalist values and communities that these ideologies constructed for us and nurtured our grandparents and great-grandparents, simply so we can live a lavish life of sin and sloth. But don’t assume I am of the religious type. I personally adhere to being agnostic, because while I want to believe there is an afterlife, a dimension, something to go to after we die, I am not convinced there is a God, a Jesus, or anything else divine that dictates our lives and futures. Because frankly, this world is far too cruel for anything so kind and benevolent to exist.

But it is not my place to judge. Neither is it yours. That is the point Mister Robertson tried to make, and every media outlet skipped over his words and scrambled them out of context. I have no right to judge homosexuals, transgender, or even furries. They are people. With rights, and freedoms. However, I do not have to like what they stand for, nor stand for their beliefs. I am a heterosexual male who prefers proven biological science, one man, one woman. That is my choice. You respect me, I respect you. That is what equality is.

Because sometimes equality comes from compromise. Didn’t your wife/husband/partner ever tell you that?

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