Change Places

Yep, another post. Let the groaning begin. This one is a little lighter though, about the office, and nerds. Cool stuff.

The holidays is always a busy time of the year for us, between getting gifts for family and each other, her job ramping up significantly, mine being the bundle of unpredictable as it is, and other such things, makes it a time I both loathe and love at the same time. Last weekend we initiated a move at work to convert our 4-cube setup on both sides into a 6-cube setup to accommodate current and future growth in the company. I went in both weekend days last weekend to help move stuff, clean, and put things back together for Monday. Each desk in the old arrangement was a shorter desk and a longer desk put together. It was nice because we had desk space, quite a bit, but no one really fully utilized it. Oddly enough though, because the side I am on now had extra doors leading to the kitchen and server room, and other areas, we couldn’t put all six cubes together like they could on the Support side, so we have four in the center and two in the corners. The four in the center were the small desks though due to space, and the corner desks were longer, but no overhead bins. Support got all the big desks, but no overhead bins. One guy I knew needed a big desk for his testing stuff, and I kinda wanted the one on the opposite side of the company president, HR head, and others, so I purposely chose a smaller desk and dealt with it. It actually wasn’t that bad really, I still got all my stuff on it, and they came through and replaced the desktops with new ones that come out an additional 4 inches and have a spot in the back to thread cables through. We’re making the place look nice for a big profile customer visit on Monday, something I dread, because I am not the type of guy who sucks up to people, especially people who treat us like a third-world company. But it’s not my show, I have to dress the part and be courteous. Things people do to stay on the good side.

I received my PATV DVDs yesterday at the office and brought them home to watch. I particularly enjoy the PA guys because they not only write/pen an incredible comic, but just the atmosphere they create around them and live in is incredible. I don’t think I am a “fanboy” of the comic and its creators so much as I am of just their lives, it’s something I would genuinely love to experience for myself, and I often wish I had pushed myself harder a decade+ ago to do more with myself, to become someone worthy of praise and cash monies. But one of the things my girlfriend asked me about as we were watching it was if I was bothered she wasn’t “nerdy” enough. Honestly I can’t imagine her being me, just as I can’t imagine any woman choosing to date me being the same introvert as me. My girlfriend is unique in the way that she is my counter-balance, she is an extrovert who prides herself on her forward appearance to everyone she meets, and she is willing to interact with everyone, even complete strangers in a shopping mall, something that reminds me of my grandfather, but they both worked in retail, and your job as a salesman is to engage, understand, and know what people want. She may or may not acknowledge though that I have pulled out of her nerd-isms she never explored, or created nerd-isms in her she herself would have never thought to explore. Video games, anime, art, the internet, she routinely claims I ruined her as much as I claim she ruined me.

I mean, our parties aren’t just people sitting around and drinking, she has a closet shelf of board games, we have all three modern consoles, and we both contributed to an entire fucking large bookshelf of movies and games. I love Apples to Apples, and I enjoy playing it with a bunch of people as often as possible. I can be social with people of likeminded silliness, if you got a personality, bring it. That’s our philosophy with our parties. But if she were just like me, I don’t think we could do it. I have deep flaws, and one of them is I am not a gushy forward-type boyfriend. I’m not buying flowers every week, creating candle-lit dinners on Thursdays, surprise-kisses randomly, speaking words of love in random places. I’m just not that type of person, I dunno why, probably an introvert trait, but it just doesn’t spring to me. Is that a problem? I think so, in her mind, sometimes. But as much as I dislike the occasional nagging to be a “better boyfriend” from those things, if she was just like me, we’d just sit in the same room and ignore each other every day, wrapped up in our own worlds. I don’t think that would be very productive. So would I be happier with a true “geek” girl? Honestly, I don’t know. My ex claimed she was one, but I don’t think she was anywhere close to that, so I cannot say for certain if I would be or not, but considering I have so many problems with myself, I would see myself in any hardcore geek girl and it would just turn me away.

Besides, it’ll be five years this February we’ve been together. Five. That’s almost twice as long as my last relationship, and honestly, if she has put up with me staying up all night because of something stupid on the internet, waited for me to finish dealing with some godforsaken bitch-ass whiny customer at shit-o’clock, that last five laps of GT5, my once fierce addiction to World of Warcraft, my James May “Captian Slow” driving style (when together, alone I drive like it’s my final day on Earth), refusal to kiss her more than once, this blog, complaining about her animals, money, my job, my life, and a thousand other things, I think we’re solid together. Eventually one of these days I’ll determine I have enough money, and less anxiety, to actually marry the poor girl and start a life together. By then, hopefully I’ll have beaten the first Disgaea.

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