The Trenches
I can’t do The Trenches anymore. The simple reason is it is not the comic I began to enjoy in its first couple “seasons”. The more expanded reason is it has validated the fears I have about “PA Megacorp”. It … Continue reading
I can’t do The Trenches anymore. The simple reason is it is not the comic I began to enjoy in its first couple “seasons”. The more expanded reason is it has validated the fears I have about “PA Megacorp”. It … Continue reading
I should clarify why I mockingly wrote my last post about nostalgia. Girl Meets World registered on the hype train a month or so back when they talked about bringing the show forward with much of the original cast of … Continue reading
Many of you NEW INTERNET and TRENDY folks love hashtags. You think they’re the cool, hip way to communicate what you are doing on Twitter or Facebook. Hey, we all use the tubes for our own purposes. But seriously, some … Continue reading