El Rushbo

This Huffington Post article today made me laugh pretty hard inside. Here we have one man who for the last several decades has been more or less preaching his opinions on politics, often as far fetched as it might be, to the general public via radio talk shows. These “drive-bys” as he coins them, are just now getting it?

My father, and much of my fairly conservative side of his family have listened to Rush since forever. I more or less grew up listening to his words on topics that I really didn’t care much about back then, but then again when I was a kid, I didn’t care that much about politics, I went along with whatever my father and grandfather had to say, and they were pretty conservative. I liked to talk as a kid, so naturally I liked just listening to his show for some of the most outlandish things people would call in and say to him, it was half of the fun.

Today, I have far greater of opinions on politics then when I was a child, but Rush’s show has not changed one bit. The article is right when it essentially says that Rush tends to channel those thoughts you always had, but could not say. He takes ahold of something and he runs with it, he exposes it, and he puts it out there, and you make the call. His views and opinions are a bit skewered at times, but they are well in line for who he is, and what he represents. He is, essentially, talk radio’s Master Troll. He is to talk radio what 4chan is to the internet, a completely raw form of radical free thinking. The people who really take him seriously and get all butthurt when he doesn’t agree with what he thinks, well, it speaks for itself in this commotion with the Democrat and Republican parties, and the very people who rage and call him up whining about it.

I will admit though, I actually appreciate him saying that he thinks Obama’s policies will fail. They very well may. The thing is, even though I voted for Obama, I differ from the majority base of his supporters Black people when I say that he is not without making mistakes and even failing. I don’t like the “Messiah” complex that butthurt conservatives have coined Obama, but I also don’t like the people who foster that mentality of him either. Obama’s policies may very well fail, and if they do, it will show a lot of people in this country that perhaps a lot of us need to seriously rethink how government really should be. Like any company that makes bad business decisions, if our government makes bad policy decisions, we as the taxpayers and voters have the right to cast those people out and vote in new leadership that will do it right. We’ve hinged this hope on Barrack Obama, and given time he may succeed, but he can fail, and people should be aware of that.

As for myself, I listen to guys like Rush and Jim Vicevich because even though I may not agree with some things they say, they are not afraid to say it how it should be, and in some cases, expose the real truth behind issues that our very skewered liberal media and journalism have turned blind eyes for out of very blind faith. Don’t get me wrong, I respect journalism to a degree, but lets face it, like physical media, it’s starting to become a dying art as the Internet continues to eat away at every aspect that traditional media holds dear, and considering that journals and blogs have given rise to virtually anyone being able to have a voice on what matters to them the most, all the papers are left to do is print the news, and these days, there is never any good news to read.

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