Nine Years Later
September 11th, 2001 I was a senior in high school that year. I had come into the AV Department where I worked part-time during high school to eat lunch and probably leech some anime off XDCC bots on IRC when … Continue reading
September 11th, 2001 I was a senior in high school that year. I had come into the AV Department where I worked part-time during high school to eat lunch and probably leech some anime off XDCC bots on IRC when … Continue reading
In reading a WP article my sister linked on FB earlier about Sarah Palin’s tenure as mayor of Wasilla, it really is kinda sad that everyone understands small town and community worlds, but when they try to apply it to … Continue reading
In reading both the responses to Obama’s address and why alternative energy simply can’t get off the ground this whole mess reminds me of a bad game of Sim City where when faced with a disaster and I have no … Continue reading