Many of you NEW INTERNET and TRENDY folks love hashtags. You think they’re the cool, hip way to communicate what you are doing on Twitter or Facebook. Hey, we all use the tubes for our own purposes. But seriously, some … Continue reading
Many of you NEW INTERNET and TRENDY folks love hashtags. You think they’re the cool, hip way to communicate what you are doing on Twitter or Facebook. Hey, we all use the tubes for our own purposes. But seriously, some … Continue reading
A former colleague and manager at my previous job was killed in an auto accident over-the-weekend. I attended his funeral service the day after with other friends and colleagues from that job. There is nothing more depressing than going to … Continue reading
If someone were to ask me what my favorite comic was, they might expect an answer from today’s modern webcomics. I do read a lot of those, but since I was born before 1995, I have to answer from an … Continue reading