The Price of Sharing and Caring

We’ve all been suckered into believing that national health care will save us all, give us all better coverage, save us money, and erase our pain. Sadly the only people who probably believe this are people who don’t know any better, or liberal supporters of the great “class wars” that blame everything on the rich monopolizing everything.

What I’ve never been able to understand is while we mandate auto insurance in this country, we don’t mandate some form of health insurance. Certainly making people require it would push more people to take up plans in private sector health insurance and likely level off the premiums as the result of many people paying into the system. Even if you were to partial-nationalize it by creating a government run public health insurance company, mandating that citizens have some kind of basic coverage, at least enough to cover walk-in clinics, doctor’s visits, preventive maintenance, and drugs. That’s all I’d really need anyway, that alone costs me about 200-600 dollars per visit depending on what it is.

I realize it is probably more complicated than that, but it seems to me that something as crucial and basic as health care you’d think between the private sector and the government they could come up with some way to make health care easily accessible and affordable for everyone who needs it. Granted letting everyone in is probably a terrible idea, it would over-saturate the pool with people who would either monopolize it or find loopholes in it that would drag everyone else down. Then there is the fear that if the government starts subsidizing health care, they would then start taxing and placing restrictions or mandates on products or activities that would negatively affect everyone’s health, such as telling us what we can eat or drink. After all, they certainly tell banks that took TARP money what to do, and they essentially ruined GM by taking it over, just imagine what they’ll do to health care that already is pretty good on its own?

I dunno about you, but it is all the more reason to try to keep staying healthy, mostly for the money saved!

tl;dr:Blame Canada.

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