Fanatical Faith

I imagine by now that most people know of the Tiller shooting, the man who performed third-trimester abortions in the midwest who was shot by a fanatical anti-abortion critic in his own church, on Sunday no less. The result was incredible, stunning, and absolutely retarded.

Now, my views on abortion have remained the same for a long time now. I support abortion generally early on, because I respect a woman’s right to choice. However, I also believe that a baby has the right to live and shouldn’t have that taken away by someone who is or was not responsible enough to face the consequences of their actions. Sex just doesn’t happen accidentally, except in rape, and I can totally understand rape situations, again, I respect a woman’s right to choose in that situation. However, a lot of abortions these days are the result of poor decisions made by young adults and even grown adults today.

I don’t support the idea of third-term abortions, because if you have gotten that far, that baby deserves to live, even if you have to give it up for adoption, if you can’t take care of it, someone else can. Now, I realize many of these cases are of emergency medical needs, which is fine, there is no sense in causing a situation that kills both mother and child if it can be helped.

The point is, anti-abortion fanatics that resort to terrible acts of violence like this justify their actions based on the actions of abortion doctors, like they deserve to die for the abortions they provide. It seems ironic to me that the very people who claim to cherish life, have no problem putting others to death. I suppose the mothers who have these procedures done should die as well, right?

Honestly the whole affair makes me sad to see the human race still cannot simply learn to respect one another

tl;dr: we call ourselves civilized, but I wonder, are we really still simple cavemen at heart?

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