
Outside of work, Borderlands, and NCIS this week has been fairly uneventful. We went and looked at an apartment up the street in Vernon today that looks fairly decent for the price, just hoping we can put the money together in time to get into it. This spring is going to be busy packing, moving, unpacking, getting shit set up, in time for summer. Oy.

Work has been fairly busy still, the last software update had generated a fresh round of cryptic error messages and many people not enjoying the “new features” we added, bunch of whiners really. Call volume has started to level out though lately, but last I checked we were hovering around 700 answered calls for a two-week span. I tend to get a lot of the complicated issues which keeps my hands full among other things, such as basically being the point man for one large company that signed on with us a couple weeks ago. Actually, I love these guys, aside from detailing everything they need up front, they have been organized and on top of everything as we go through the installations for their internal and external employees, and of course I love any company with direct access to their server, in this case, using radmin. Word is they and another company I worked point on setting up will be at our users conference this week. Kinda looking forward to meeting a lot of our clients and users at this conference but part of me kinda doesn’t want to put a name to a face, makes support kinda awkward, especially if they’re having a bad day and decide your the target. Still, I am probably more composed about this than my co-workers, they don’t seem to like any of the idea at all, not unsurprisingly. Also the mayor and some news media are coming to the building for a tour and some sort of ribbon cutting ceremony this month. I don’t usually mind dressing up, but I definitely need some better shirts.

Life around here is mainly the same, two cats, two bearded dragons, one crazy girlfriend, and Mike. Not relishing spending probably several days this month and next going through the basement and starting to pack things up for moving in the Spring. Still, kinda excited to get a new place and have it be just us, it’s something I have been trying to do since The Lofts, which would have worked had it not been for my ex deciding that I needed to be a third wheel in her life. When I think about the last 5-6 years since I moved out on my own, I’ve been trying to establish myself someplace so that I can excel and then move on to things like a house, a wife, and kids. Back then I always thought there was a possibility that we could have ended up together, but I was so worried about things like money and stability, important things that I felt necessary to have in order to move on to a house, a wife, and kids. I still don’t really know what really caused her to decide I wasn’t fit for that role, perhaps I waited too long, it was something that ate away at me for several years afterwards, much to many people’s dismay. Having finally built myself back up from that ruin, getting back to school, getting a decent entry-level job, it made me remember a lot of those memories from back then when Ashlynn and I passed the three year mark last month. Just like 4 years ago, we hit the three year, we decided to get our own place, and it collapsed from there. Sometimes I feel a little nervous, but really I think things will work out the way they should this time, because it’s a different person, I’m a different person, and it’s a much different scenario. I’m still never sure if she will be the one I end up marrying in the years to come, I hope so, but at least this time around even if things don’t work out, I don’t want to repeat the same mistakes of the past. I want to be able to face forward.

I also will not end up on an air mattress crying myself to sleep while my ex fucks her new boyfriend on my bed. Oh no, nothing will stop my rage. Nothing. =P

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