Marathon Man

dammit adonis, I don't need any additional pylons

As a secondary effect, I get to– CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS

I can’t wait for SC2 to come out.

Anyway, Thanksgiving is through, and food and fun was had by all. Work was pretty hellish over the weekend, I continue to be impressed by just how many people can flood Panera at one time, it’s amazing we don’t break fire codes often, in the event of a real fire, at least two people will get trampled to death during a lunch rush. Sometimes I cannot simply fathom how other places handle this type of traffic, or if they even do, because it just seemed like sheer madness. Couldn’t keep a panini in the case all afternoon, went through just about all of them before 3. 11.58 hours between two days. Feels good, man. Haircut, shower, and spent some time up at Dad’s having thanksgiving leftovers from their feast and watching most of the Vikings vs. Bears game. I find it impressive that Brett Farve can still throw well being 40, and it was a pretty one-sided game, aside from the constant flags thrown for penalties, the Bears couldn’t do shit, even after returning the ball once to within 8 yards of the goal, only to have their QB double-sacked and stopped cold. That must suck your morale right down.

I also do not watch football often, so clearly I am padding this entry with filler.

Week coming up promises more HOT TECH SUPPORT LOVIN’ where hopefully I can strike a better chord than last week’s shaky performance. Don’t have my schedule for Panera yet but it will either be one or two days, depending on how generous Laura is or she makes one day a double. I talked to her about possibly closing Tuesday nights and pulling a “Julio” by showing up between 530 and 630 and closing, and one weekend day, so that I have at least one full day off a week. We’ll see if I can do that, was waiting to get EPS settled in before I determined if I could pull that off. December is rolling around, which means more holidays and gifts… I’m hoping to get a couple of spendable paychecks for gifts before the 25th, but realistically I probably will be late on gifts again this year. I know of what one person wants thus far, and still need to get Ashlynn’s birthday present that has been on hold since months ago, probably a short list of immediate people again this year though since money is going elsewhere for a couple more months. (got a shortlist on that too, ergh). If you are getting me something this year, frankly I’d try to tell you not to, I don’t really need anything, but if you insist, gift cards to Gamestop, Best Buy, Target, Stop and Shop, or any gas station will do just nicely. I generally prefer Target over Wal-Mart because shopping at our local Wal-Mart is a terrible experience, one I do not enjoy ever, plus I buy most of my work clothes from Target.

You may also direct money or gifts off the Amazon wish lists in the Child’s Play Charity for either Children’s Medical Center of Dayton, OH or Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, two hospitals of two areas I’ve lived in that I am buying a couple things off their lists for this holiday season. Those unaware, Child’s Play is an annual charity founded by the guys who write/draw the gaming webcomic Penny-Arcade. It allows gamers and really everyone to donate items off Amazon wishlists to children in over 100 hospitals across the US, Canada, and a number of other countries. Dayton was added this year and I must’ve missed when CT Children’s was added, but as a current CT resident and past OH resident, two-for-two-thousand-and-nine I figure.

To end, I kinda want to pick up that new Mario game for the Wii. It looks kinda interesting.

Also, anyone want cats? If you or someone you know wants a cat, we have two cats and a kitten that need good homes. Dial my Google Voice number at 375-0277 and let me know.

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