Who Do You Party With?

Looking over this bit on Yahoo News this morning about the GOP Party and it’s woes of the late, it comes as no real surprise to me, and shouldn’t come to any real surprise for anyone else. The Republican Party took a pretty bad beating in the election, with a lot of states going blue this time for Obama. The big question that has loomed over their heads since then, is how will the party attempt to “re-invent” themselves for the next election?

Well, in regards to the last election, what really kind of blew it for McCain was Sarah Palin. I’m not discounting that she could be a worthy candidate at some point, but she was a terrible choice for this election. For one, she came from a state recently pulled down by scandals of the Ted Stevens variety. Not only that, but her hands were not very clean of trying to pull earmark spending projects to her state too, the very earmarks McCain denounces on a daily basis. Overall, he made a poor choice for a running mate that simply amounted to him trying to court the woman vote, or more specifically, the Clinton supporters. This would be one of the numerous campaign mistakes he made that essentially blew it for him in the end.

But not all of it was his fault. This nation has been sliding towards European-style socialism since FDR, in my opinion. It has only been kept in check by the fear of communism during The Cold War, and conservatives and the Republican Party. Above all that however, the fabled “American Dream” has kept socialism away for the longest, promises of wealth, fortune, prosperity, and happiness. In a largely materialistic world of today, these are things like SUVs, trucks, vans, RV’s, huge homes, and the comforts of home. But with the expanding of the middle class and the prosperity of some, comes the cries and jealousy of those still in the lower and poor classes.

Yes, President Barrack Obama is President because he sought to reach out and influence those who don’t make as much, don’t have the comforts of the richer folk, and don’t have that fabled “American Dream”. It paid off for him in the end, they voted for him in record-breaking numbers. Already several months into his administration, we have seen him pass bill after bill that promises to put more money into infrastructure, health care, tax cuts, housing, you name it. Poor people rejoice, finally someone has heard their pleas for a better life, at the expense of those who have money, those who worked hard to get where they are at, now forced to give up money to those who probably didn’t do a thing for them, and don’t even pay taxes anyway.

Suddenly, Chavez-style socialism becomes a serious thought.

This is what Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, Jim Vicevich, anyone conservative or moderate, are telling you. This is what they want you to seriously take a step back and think about it again. Did you elect Barrack Obama to change the way government works? Or did you elect Barrack Obama to inflate government like a balloon to pay for handouts to his bros and hos in inner-city Chicago and other urban areas in America?

The sad state of affairs in this country is that even today, we continue to be a polarized country when it comes to social values, religion, race, and politics. Black people continue to use the race card to poorly justify their terrible decisions, and the rest of us, fellow black people included, have to pay for it. Hell, even poor white people cheat the government systems out of thousands of dollars and the rest of us, all races, have to pay for it. No one group of people, be it race or class, is exempt from having to cover the asses of people who just don’t give a damn about you or what you’ve accomplished to get where you are. Your money is charity to someone else, just like Chump Charity in Mario Party 8, there are rewards for being in last place. You may have not wanted to be in last, or had no control, or maybe you wanted to stay in last place because you know someone will help you out.

That same polarization is what is now affecting the Republican Party, because it sadly is still largely polarized to the social workings of America. They believe that all Americans believe in hard work and fiscal responsibility and seem to be oblivious to the fact that humanity is terrible and that most of them don’t care about you, like Internet trolls. They don’t care you work hard, save money, they care about doing what they want on everyone else’s dime. Conservatives can’t wrap their mind around the urban plight, they can’t understand the pleas of the lower class, they cling to their beloved Ronald Reagan and his idea that giving tax breaks to the rich will rain money onto the poor, when it is hardly the case. Rich people hoard money, this is no secret, and those that spend their money on a lavish lifestyle, probably aren’t buying from the corner stores or small hole-in-the-wall restaurants run by those in the lower class trying to make a living. When they said John McCain and the Republican party was “out of touch”, they are. They are very out of touch. Many refuse to even acknowledge the changing of the times, they still believe we’re in the 50’s 60’s and 70’s.

Democrats likewise don’t understand that there is a bottom to everything. They seem to think that we have an infinite money supply and spending it on the bottom will improve everyone’s quality of life. It does, to an extent, but it creates not a class of more prosper people, but a class of government-dependent lazy bums. Many of these people lack the hard work or determination to succeed for themselves, instead opting to take handouts and charity from others to furnish their lifestyle. It is pretty much like having a million 20 year old kids addicted to World of Warcraft living in your basement never coming out, but consuming electricity, food, water, and amenities on your expense, never even considering getting a job and helping pay for their hobby. They don’t grasp the notion that many rich and affluent people already donate millions of dollars annually to social programs for the needy and poor, granted for tax write-offs, but it still carries the same trickle-down effect the Reagan thumpers love so very much.

So who do you party with in today’s changing society? Whose vision makes the most sense to you? When everyone preaches bi-partisanship but you know they are partisan as hell, do you continue to preach for the middle, or take a side?

Humanity will always be divided, in some shape or form. It is how we function as a species and as a social collective. Even if a small group of us pledge to work together, others will divide with the intent to dominate or take over. Both political parties in this country will most likely never understand the other fully, and likewise the people will not understand each other fully either. The one thing we all can understand however is that our founding fathers created this government, this way of living, for one word. Freedom. We’re free to choose our political party, govern our own personal actions, and speak our mind. You don’t even have to take a side if you don’t want to. It’s because of these ideals that even someone like me, can make a personal difference to my own quality and way of life. I may not be able to move a nation, but I can move myself. Perhaps the Republican Party, rather than reinvent itself or change it’s values, should simply stand by those values and trust that the people who support them, support themselves first.

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