So now for the first real post of this blog– HAHA DISREGARD THAT

My one day off in this week’s schedule was spent cleaning. Kind of a shame really, I intended to play games all day, and then I ended up cleaning. I had intended to just clean the bedroom and do laundry, and it expanded into the kitchen and main room when I raged at the fact that the floor was a complete mess again no thanks to the cats who won’t stop shitting on the floor. This is being rectified soon hopefully, we’re about short on patience for 3 of the 4 cats here, and although it pains me to have to put an animal down (Ninja) she is old, part of the problem, has problems, and it’s universally accepted that she is not moving to the next apartment with us. I did take the oppurtunity to score some awesome burrito goodness at Moe’s on my way back from Lowes for cleaning supplies, so delicious was had, and some of this week’s anime stack was had. I bought a can of “Spot Shot” and used nearly the entire can on cat barf/shit/piss, other stains I don’t remember where they came from, and anything else on the carpets, used some of this Glade carpet powder stuff you sprinkle on and vacuum up, and went to town in, under, and around couches and chairs and all. The end result was VICTOLY! and hopefully it will last more than 24 hours.

On other fronts, still waiting to hear the verdict on a job I applied and did two interviews for here in Vernon. Hoping the best, but I still have my daily emails from Dice and Careerbuilder, as well as adding RSS feeds for all of CT and two areas of MA of Tech Support jobs on Craigslist to my Thunderbird profile, so still ready to keep rolling the resumes around in case this one doesn’t pan. The interviews seemed to go well, I had no trouble with their little computer scenario things in the second interview, and they seemed to like my answers and my demeanor, but I can’t put all my eggs in one basket just yet, we all know what happened the last few times I did that.

Last but not least I am attempting to play through Zelda games from NES to Wii, though the latter will probably find me buying it for Wii to play, but probably not for awhile. Currently on the eighth dungeon in LoZ and damn I hate those blue soldiers and their can’t strike them from the front, in a small room, with FUCKING FIRE flying around. Times 5, NES SLOWGA EFFECT, and I CAN’T SEE SHIT. Fucking annoying. Almost want to just skip to LttP, it was more my favorite Zelda anyway.

I also kinda want to play the DK SNES games again, but saving that one for awhile down the road. Don’t want to overload my palette with too much you know, Borderlands and WoW and all.

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