FC’s Forty-Fourth Law of Governing Support Phone Calls

“In the event that one person receives a out-of-the-ordinary error message they are unfamiliar with, they are to immediately proceed to flailing their arms like a drunken man at a Foreigner concert, dial tech support furiously, and skip all forms of reasonable greeting or issue explanation and immediately shout “BROKEN-FIX-SESSIONKEY” in which you are to press the mute button on your phone, and headdesk immediately. This is not optional. There will be a test. Batteries not included. Free toy inside. Subject to restrictions, see store for detail. Are you still reading this? Just checking. Hi Mom.”


The easiest way to explain today is the word “clusterfuck”, and there is no real way to avoid that fantastic word. For the past couple days not it has been fairly busy, not back-to-back call busy the entire day, but most of the day, and it’s been a wide range of problems, everything from databases to crashing to things involving ASP.NET which has been creeping up my short list of annoying things lately, which will probably prompt me to revise my EPS Support Bingo chart again. I can say however that Taco Bell’s new $2 meal deals are fantastic when you need a quick bite to eat, which is all I got for lunch today, a 5-layer burrito and chips and a drink, along with two hard tacos for a total of $4.01. Not bad. I ended up staying at work until about 7 starting a SQL 2008 install for someone who didn’t want to wait until tomorrow, and didn’t finish it until 9pm at home because I was a fucking failure and forgot to install it in mixed mode, so I had to fix that which took more time. At least when I eventually have to do it to another client here soon I’ll remember what to do, maybe?

I’ve been playing a lot of Borderlands lately, leveling a Brick up to 36 now, finishing the first play and doing zombies. Between that I hit a little Torchlight and Altitude, something I picked up from Steam for $5 over the weekend when they had it up for free to try. It’s passive-multiplayer fun, probably something I can play at work inbetween terrible. I’ve also been looking at the modding resources for Borderlands and seeing how you can add custom weapons to the game. I haven’t figured out much more than just adding a weapon with Willowtree# where I successfully added a Maliwan Volcano Sniper to my low-level hunter and went around one-shotting skags and doods. I two-shotted Nine-toes but was mowed down by the next dude, mostly because I couldn’t set the weapon’s level above my physical level. Afterwards I messed around with changing other parts of the save, like bag slots and money on my other siren save, but for some reason it would load a new game when I would load the file and then just create a new save. Still figuring it out I guess. Also had a scare where it overwrote my first save slot with my soldier, thankfully I had backed up the saves prior to messing around with this, good call.

Finally we are looking into the possibility of adopting a kitten that came through Petsmart’s Banfield last week, a four month old orange kitten who was brought in and found he had been poisoned, either intentionally or unintentionally. The lady signed him over to the vet and had told them to put it to sleep, but he surprisingly survived the ordeal. At first they thought he would be blind, but his sight seemed to return and he was awake and aware of what was going on around him. They’re waiting for his diarrhea to clear up as well as have his shots and vaccinations done before they decide what to do, but Ashlynn thinks Ellsbury needs a friend since he is the only cat here now. Frankly I didn’t want to get another cat after Ninja for awhile, but I think it was more just because every time we get another cat, the planet goes to hell. I suppose I don’t have much to lose, if it turns out he doesn’t work out, someone is bound to take a kitten.

Finally, a video I shot at work waiting for the SQL install. I call it the TL;DR of the day’s events at work:


PS: Like my new banner? I GIS’d it. I also applied a BuckleyBlur so you can’t tell I GIS’d it. Oh wait… it’s a trollercoaster, not an actual artist’s work with a signature on it.

No I am not an SA member. If I had the attention span to stare at forums I would, but forums are the second worst form (ha..ha… pun intended) of communication behind chat rooms. Forums are typically where you find the type of people who hang out on 4chan, except they have a name, avatar, and stupid signatures like HOLDER OF THE CAPTAIN BAKA STICK EXTRA POINTY BECAUSE I AM A FUCKING NERD among others.

Did I mention I was jaded?

PSS Related-to-above: In case you don’t care to click that SA link, this is all you need to know from that thread:

Thallium's lifeaspiration
Credit to SA member Thallium for the best TL;DR of CAD ever
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