So we’re under 48 hours now until we obtain the keys and official truck-and-all moving day is Thursday. About 70% of the apartment is packed with the kitchen pretty much remaining. Breaking down my computer between tonight and tomorrow mostly because Ashlynn’s cousin is taking my old desk as I’ll be assembling the one I bought from Ikea a few weeks ago. We’ve got internet and basic cable from Comcast going in on Wednesday, basic cable being pretty much major network channels, and really we’re only getting it because it and internet together are cheaper than just internet, which is lame, but this IS Comcast and ATT U-verse apparently hasn’t gotten to the new complex yet, not that they’d probably want a bundle deal too. The bright side is should we decide to up to extended basic cable it’ll only cost us 80/mo up from 40/mo which is still kinda pricey for the benefit of a few extra channels, but options are optional.

I enjoy moving for the same reason I enjoy rearranging a room, it’s new and fresh, keeps things interesting, only problem is I hate having to actually move stuff. What’s worse is we’re moving to a second story unit and I’m not too keen on the entryways both front and back for getting stuff in, the back way is just a long set of stairs straight up to the second floor units which is pretty narrow, and the front is a winding set of stairs leading to both the first and second floor units. Most of our stuff should be fine but the bigger stuff like the couch, chair, and entertainment center won’t be fun and at this point it is looking like it’s going to be myself and her brother Josh carrying things unless we can pick up another set of hands. Not gonna lie, not going to feel fun by the end of this endeavor.

Last but not least one of the people in my support group at work is being promoted over to development as well as the guy who has been our de facto “supervisor” being given the official head title, so word is at least one or two new people will probably be hired in the next few months. Probie no more! Also been working on writing up some more user-friendly documentation for stuff with our software like installation and backing up, because frankly, as I noticed upon starting here, our current documentation is written to be about as abstract as urban graffiti on a billboard 76 feet high in the sky. That is to say, terrible.

Until next time from the new place. I’m posting highlights from the move to Facebook and Twitter, so drop in there if you honestly give a damn. Until then stay tuned for the official housewarming party, maybe we’ll have a Wii by then.

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