There Be Dragons

was I the only dork who thought of Baramut when they first introduced Toothless?
even if you are singing 'Danger Zone' in your head during the flight scenes, it works, seriously

How to Train Your Dragon was a tremendously awesome movie, and I’m typically one not to embellish on movies, this was a truly awesome movie to watch, especially in IMAX 3D, but even then, the whole story, action, and characters simply rip you out and throw you back in much like the kid on the dragon during the movie. I don’t often go to theaters these days with the price of movies being not so much high as usually overpriced for the majority of films made these days, but this one is worth the 16 bucks, seriously, go, fuck your couch, and go. I’m not advising another movie you should see until Toy Story 3, so get a move on, time is money, friend, and I am not your friend, buddy!

In other news I am managing not to want to kill myself at work no matter how incredibly tempting it might seem lately, all sorts of exploding people these days at the ol’ grind post, and what gets me is that it is a lot of unneeded hassle, think like OMGOMGOMGOMG panic, except it was more like the boy who cried wolf, or girl in this case. Regardless, it is very, very annoying to be trying to do your job and have someone badgering you every half-hour if you’ve done “that thing they asked you” as if you didn’t have anything else to do. Not that I am needlessly complaining, a job is a job, but after 10 years of physically stressful at times jobs, clearly I was made for having a mentally stressing one now. Thank god for nerf guns and what shred of sanity I have left HAHA DISREGARD THAT.

In less fancier news, we move in 27 days to Vernon Gardens up the street. We were lucky to get our applications in on time and get approved for one before they ran out, it’s a two bedroom but a somewhat different style than the one I posted before.

Vernon Gardens 2BR Ver.2
two ways out of the kitchen, much easier to get around

Since the apartment complex told Ashlynn she can paint, which was probably a terrible idea, we’re planning on painting the place on the 28th, moving most of everyone on the 29th, and anything leftover on the 30th. The weekend will then be spent setting everything up and getting settled in before returning to work on Monday. Still deciding who to get for internet, we don’t watch much TV, so we’re planning on holding off on cable until we either care or something, so I’m thinking of finding someone other than Comshitty for internet, prefarably a dedicated DSL or something of that sort. Wish Verizon FIOS was out here, that’d be nice. If nothing else, Comshitty will do. I also hope to get decent signal with my cell phone, as I plan to ditch my home line again, or possibly switch to a VOIP phone if need be.

Finally, because I felt you should know, but this new keyboard on my laptop is nice. Having an O key that works, new keys that feel like keys and less like glossed over worn out, and only 17 bucks. Go Ebay!

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