The Spice of Life

The one thing about the weekend is no matter how many things you want to do, they always fall by the wayside to sheer laziness. Be it 4chan, anime, episodes of Mythbusters, or whatever, I always seem to space the fuck out and not accomplish anything remotely useful on the weekends. Then, before I know it, it’s already the end of Sunday and the looming work week awaits. Meh.

Next Wednesday, the 8th, is my 27th birthday. 27 eh? Funny thing is, I have a mostly clear memory of most major events going back until I was roughly 6 or so, which arguably was the trip to Magic Kingdom at Disney. Oddly enough, the only clear memory I have is going into some sort of house and the characters dressed up outside. Not much else.

Still, when you consider that high school was 8 years ago, 8 years is a lot of time, but it doesn’t feel that way at all. I’ve loved and lost, flipped burgers, made cakes, eaten at Denny’s one too many times, gone to a lot of anime conventions, sat in a hotel lobby with three people I had previously never met before at 3am in the morning talking about nothing and then proceeding to sit in elevators and ride them up and down, good times and bad times.

When you think of high school, you think of all the wonderful times with friends and activities, clubs and times spent after school. I didn’t have many of those times until the tail end of my senior year, and by then, we all just wanted to be out and free to do whatever we wanted afterward. I made the comment the other day that if social networking, viral videos, memes, and the type of culture that exists online today back when I was in school, I wonder how I would have been. Geeks were shunned in social circles back then, the mere thought of using a computer labeled you as someone no one wanted, and I was one of those people. Now all you have to do is be an internet whore and play your cards right and people will think you are the coolest thing ever. It’s sad really.

But you know, I’m not terribly jaded. I’ve lived my life by one somewhat warped with time rule, and that is “Don’t change for anyone but yourself” and anyone who knows me knows how stubborn I am. I’m overweight, lazy, am on the internet way too often, watch a lot of anime, collect figures, have questionable morals sometimes, and a soft spot for cute things like cats. I’ve had to change for many things in the past, but I’ve never let someone change me on their own, and I’ve lost a lot because of that, but I always feel like I have more to gain each and every day.

The way I always figure is, being an adult is for people who have given up on themselves. Priorities and responsibilities are important, but if you don’t give in your own selfish desires once and awhile, you’re just going to break down a lot sooner than everyone else.

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