Aliens, Psychopaths, and MTV Hosts

Starting after 3pm tomorrow, we’re embarking on a 10-11 hour trip out to Put-in-Bay, Ohio for my mother’s wedding. Several things I want to highlight about this:

1. I hate driving through Pennsylvania.
2. Yes, THAT Put-in-Bay.
3. Yes, THAT Put-in-Bay during “Phlocking of the Phaithful”. We’ll get in to this in a moment.
4. I hate driving through Pennsylvania.
5. Did I mention I hate driving through Pennsylvania?

Where to start…

My parents having listened to and like the music of Jimmy Buffet. A lot. For a long time. From as far back as I can remember, I have heard almost every song he has ever played probably up until the last decade maybe, or essentially since I moved out from my parents home. They’ve gone to his concerts, they’ve gone to events with other fans in Key West, New Orleans, Put-in-Bay, and god knows where else. Really, considering my short anime convention tour and still ongoing staffing at Katsucon every year, I can totally understand the draw of hanging out with friends in a fellow fandom and having a good time.

The problem is, much like retarded weeaboos, some people in this fandom get reaaaaaaly carried away. I mean really. It’s like going to a NASCAR event when you were 10 and having a couple middle-age ladies flash their tits at you… oh wait, that actually happened. fffffffffffffffffffff~

Alcohol is a big factor in this, a lot of people drink, and while drinking is fine, and most people there will probably just be drinking moderately as to not wake up feeling like shit the next morning, some people will not heed that advice and go off the deep end, especially stupid college kids who don’t even know this style of music and come to party anyway. I experienced some of this at the one sole Buffet concert at Gillette Stadium a few years ago, and really the drinking was easy to deal with, the constant cigarette and weed smell killed me though.

So this weekend is the annual “Phlocking of the Phaithful” event that a couple in Pittsburgh whom my mother knows throw every year for about as many years as Katsucon has been around I think, 16 or 17. My mother goes to them just about every year, and my father went to a few as well I believe before the divorce. It’s basically a festival of sorts, bunch of partying, drinking, music, live bands, yadda yadda and whatnot. As not to be complete wastes of oxygen though, they donate money to charities and organizations and also do other similar functions outside of the event weekend during the year. So it effectively is a big party and no doubt large tourist boom for the island. My mother decided to have her wedding during the event on Saturday at 10:19, which I think was the day or time they met, I forgot which. Aside from myself and Ashlynn some of my family will be there also, namely my aunt and uncles and my grandparents from Florida, all of whom will also be in town in two weeks for her CT reception party. I promised I’d take my grandfather to Hooters on Thursday night during the all-you-can-eat wings, see if the old man still has got it!

So while I am pretty excited to go out to Ohio for the first time in awhile (probably 05 or so) and go on a trip in general, I just hate PA, it’s a lousy state to drive though, and I just get the feeling that I am going to feel completely awkward about this event somehow, I’m not really used to this type of fare, let alone a group of middle-age people I don’t know.

But in all seriousness, my mother is getting (re)married this weekend to the guy she has been seeing for awhile now. He’s a nice guy, and it’s her event, and I am happy for her, even though she is freaking nuts, Besides, it’s a mini-vacation, I don’t get many of those and doubly not many of those with Ashlynn since she couldn’t make Katsucon last time.

And yes, I know the lyrics to “Cheeseburger in Paradise” and I swear to god I will punch you in the dick/uterus if you start singing it.

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