How Much More?

Earlier this morning I posted an RVO post on health care and taxes that I felt needed to be thrown out there, mainly because regardless of if you support this bill or not, the inevitable conclusion is we WILL get taxed more and it will NOT lower the overall cost for all of this for any of us. I wasn’t able to monitor the replies due to insanity at my job today but I thought I’d take the time to post some of the excellent replies I received from a friend, several of my family members, and an old scoutmaster of mine from where I grew up in Ohio.

The thing is, contrary to several people I know who routinely like to mention the fact I don’t support this bill often, I would like none other than to support the idea of health care for everyone, really. I believe that as a society we should be capable of providing health care for everyone because it can make a difference not only to human life, but to tap the potential of people we’ve yet to even hear about. When I flipped on the radio driving home last night some sports show was on WTIC and one of the guys mentioned how football teams often don’t realize what potential they might find in a new kid until they hand him the ball and give him a chance, and many don’t get that chance. The same applies to life, what if by aborting a baby did we deny ourselves a future where that person would go on to find a cure for a fatal disease? Take us into space? Become the next President? Sure this line of reasoning sounds absurd, but if I don’t know what the future holds, why would you?

But let’s be realistic, every day thousands of people crowd emergency rooms and clinics for things they don’t need to be there for, cuts and scrapes, coughs and wheezes, and eight times out of ten, they lack insurance and money to pay for it, but they receive the care anyway thanks to government money by taxpayers specifically for treating the lower-income and even illegal immigrants. All this while they are collecting social security, medicare, medicaid, and welfare. These people go through a lot of effort to squeeze entitlements out of the government that you’d think that effort could be placed in working.

So now our government wants to offer all these people health care. That’s wonderful… except they’ve already been getting health care either for free or through medicare and medicaid. Okay, there are people without that, no problem. So how do we pay for this? Taxpayers? Why sure, especially rich people, they don’t need all that money, so we’re going to create new taxes to take that along with money from the middle-class, they don’t need all that money too, it’s for the poor and needy, have some compassion!

I’m sorry, I have zero compassion for people who can’t even be bothered to work at a goddamn Burger King for minimum wage in order to at least be making a marginal living. The reason illegal immigration thrives and is accepted by the left in this society is because those people are willing to work for nothing because they need the money, where fat lazy stupid Americans can’t be bothered to look bad by flipping burgers or cleaning toliets, because college degrees are “so easy to obtain” that you should be college educated, and still be working a shitty job. No, thanks to “Entitlement America” we’ve created a class between “Poor” and “Low-Income” called “Government Mooching Assholes”. Those of you who are on government services because you have conditions, disabled, etc., don’t think I am lampooning you now, because if you really have it so you can’t work then by all means you deserve the help, I am not a completely heartless asshole.

I’m not going to lie, I probably fell for this train of thought many years ago, especially after absorbing some of the culture around Connecticut when I first moved here, most people my age did as kids, because we grew up in the good years in this country, where the middle-class expanded, people obtained more wealth, and things advanced all around us, and our parents tried to give this all to us, give us something better than they might’ve had, and it took a lot of years for me to realize how grateful I really should be for it, because this world is tough, you have to play smart and play hard, and a lot of kids now don’t understand this, they believe this world is like Facebook where they don’t need to learn the rules or interact with society, and that the government will care for them and protect them from everything. They can’t, they won’t, and if the victims of 9/11 both in the towers and the planes could talk, they’d tell you that nothing prepares you for the ultimate fate, and nor Obama, Pelosi, Reid, or anyone else can give you a perfect life, and you should feel ashamed of yourself that they are giving you what you are getting now forged from the blood, sweat, and tears of your parents, grandparents, ancestors, our troops, and everyone else that has made this country what it is today.

So when it comes to all these taxes that I am paying, or all these penalties they will slap on those who don’t want to “drink the Kool-Aid” as my old scoutmaster put it, you are damn right that I do not agree with what our government is doing here. You want health care? Pay for it. Everyone. Even the poor. No job? Get one. That should be the condition for receiving government benefits from now on, get a fucking job, and not a government job, that’d be pointless. Doesn’t matter where. We AMERICANS need to take responsibility for ourselves and our own before we turn into Europe or dare I say China, and if you think you’re life is so terrible, why don’t you research what it is like to live in a country where you are only allowed one child and you are told what to eat and where to shit, and if you raise your voice in opposition, you are silenced or even killed.

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