I Don’t Ever Want to Move Again

So between yesterday and today we moved to our new apartment. Rented a 14′ U-Haul truck and moved all of the boxes and furniture we had in two trips. Couch was a complete pain in the ass but we plowed it up there along with everything else.

U-haulin (Mike, Josh, and Ashlynn)'

But good god today was worse than yesterday. Between helping Mike move his stuff to his new place I spent the good part of 8 hours cleaning out everything from our storage in the basement and the rooms and there was a lot of shit in there, I ended up throwing a lot of it away (which management there will not like but they can suck it) and making several trips back and forth with both vehicles packed with loose ends. Thankfully it is pretty much over, tomorrow going over to retrieve the linens in the closet we forgot and last round spot check before I turn my keys and everything in.

Suffice to say it’s been an adventure and we’re still not done unpacking and squaring away boxes and stuff here. So far we’ve got the computers in the office set up and Comcast set up our cable today so we’re online. I had blocked off two work days to move and the weekend to unpack and while the moving plan didn’t quite line up like it should have I’m glad I planned for it seeing as how it turned out this way. Partially my fault for procrastinating so much on the basement, but christ it was a lot of shit to haul up to the dumpster and having worn myself out moving the day before, everything I picked up no matter how light just got heavier and heavier as I moved forward.

The flowers in the backyard of the apartment

As for the new place, it’s pretty nice, and I think it will work out pretty well once everything is set up as it should be. I’ve been snapping a few photos here and there of the move experience and posting them to Facebook but I’ll try to get some after-shots of the apartment once everything is put together and situated. As for our surroundings, the trees in our backyard are pretty nice and the front yard has a lot of big trees so it’s a step up in terms of the landscape. We’ve met one neighbor, the people below us and the lady’s first question she asked was if we had kids and breathed this sigh of relief when we said no because the last people in this unit had three kids. I kinda thought it was a bit pretentious to say something like that, but mostly because all I have heard since we got here is them out back on their little porch talking and their dog barking, plus they have a kid themselves. I get the feeling they will not enjoy if we have a party or something. I also get the feeling they are home almost all of the time, which either means they don’t work (10 bucks they’re on government welfare) or they work odd hours. That’s going to be slightly awkward for a few things that is liable to happen around here.

Front of our apartment building

Finally on the sad note we made the decision to put Ninja to sleep tomorrow and bury her at Dad’s tomorrow night. While the most of that decision was based on her declining health, neither of us want to put her down but neither of us enjoy her shitting on the floor or her annoying growling when Ellsbury annoys her. She is old, quite old, and as my Dad reminds me, she has been given a few more years to live where had she gone to a shelter after his aunt passed away, she probably would have been put down anyway because no one would have adopted her. Unlike Ashlynn or people who have owned many animals and have dealt with their deathes a little easier I put off this decision for a long time somewhat due to my selfishness in not wanting to be the one to “make the decision” so to speak. I felt it was I was the person deciding to pull the plug on someone, even if it was the right thing to do it doesn’t make that decision any easier. Ashlynn is going to take her to Banfield to have the procedure done and then we’ll take her up to Southwick, originally I had thought to bury her next to Daisy at my mothers but I sort of felt that since she was Babe’s cat and more part of my Dad’s side of the family that she should lie there, as odd as that may sound. It sounds heartless of me but I just want it done and over with and move on, else I end up feeling worse about it.

Last but not least:

if it fits in it, it sleeps in it
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