
The EPS 2010 Users Conference is done and over, from what I hear it went pretty well. I was able to drop in on the Thursday night meet and greet and Saturday’s final hours, met a few faces of some people I’ve done support for over the phone. I would have liked to sit in on some of our trainer’s sessions to actually learn how to use our program, but I suppose that will be something I need to step up on another time. I’ve contemplated several times calling out sick one day and sitting in on some of his online sessions. Perhaps.

A question for you artists types, I want to get back into drawing, and I’ve noticed that almost everyone has gone to tablets these days, so I’m wondering what kind of tablets are good and bad? I know Wacoms were the buzzword several years ago, I’m used to pencil/pen/paper really but I lack my scanner and I do the majority of my color on the computer anyway, so I’d like to consider moving into the “tablet age”. My goal is to do some pieces to sell at next year’s Art Show.

Hit level 61 in Borderlands last night with Roland finally, ironically on those damn spider things I hate so much while I was finishing missions left in my log. Besides one of the Marcus ones I think there are some left on one of the bounty boards, but I might save em for a fourth DLC if they raise the cap again. For now though I am thinking of going through Play1 with either Brick or Lilith and maybe doing some online, kinda interested to play Moxxi with 4 players, might be fun? While I was talking to a co-worker at the conference I mentioned how I kinda want to try Team Fortress 2 and maybe Half Life 1 and 2.

Lastly we are applying for an apartment at Vernon Gardens up the street, to hopefully move in April. It won’t be too far of a move, it’s actually literally up the street from our current apartment, but I will likely have to rent a U-Haul truck for the big furniture and move most of it over in that and anything else in the cars. We’re aiming for April 30th-March 1st range, so if anyone is free and doesn’t mind giving us a hand, more than welcome to, will try to make it worth your trip. I’ve already started putting together possible floor plans in Visio for the place, though I’m not sure on specifics.

One of the tricky parts of creating alternate layouts for the bedroom was that terrace connected to the bedroom, kinda makes it so I can only really place a bed in a few places. I do like having a somewhat separate area for the dining room table and chairs, which is pretty nice. The only downsides I’ve seen so far about this place is the bathroom is less than stellar, and the oven is one of those built into the cabinet kind of models, but otherwise the space is pretty good and the price is fairly level with what you get. I like to think this will be the last apartment I move into, the next place we get will either be a duplex or condo, or a house, depending on what happens over the next couple of years.

Closing Panera again tonight, but day off tomorrow! Only thing is, I have to be up at 8am to help start a server install because my co-worker with the support phone for the weekend had a family emergency and couldn’t do it today. Can’t complain if I’m getting paid to monitor an install while playing Borderlands or watching NCIS.

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