
Generally when it comes to technical support I am pretty neutral about it. One one hand I like spending the time to tackle a tricky problem with the hopes of figuring out something new, and other times I hate humanity so very much, that I wish they drove off a cliff into a ravine next to a Seven Eleven. Alas, this critical balance is the key to my work week, the difference between being completely sane, and a marvelous exploding bouncy ball. That said, I reaaaallly wish we had error messages that made sense, so that my customers would stop calling me and either reciting them word for word, or bitching about the fact that they don’t make sense. I’m aware this is part of software development, but much like I am supposed to think of the kittens before think of the children followed by think of the customers it would be nice if someone thought of the tech support person.

Moving on, I did manage to break my Moment once requiring me to get Sprint to hard reset it, it was silly really, I wanted to use a different lock screen because the default one has this E911 button that can be pressed fairly easily and I don’t want to pocket-dial 911 all the time. Sadly I either misread the screen or thought something else when I accidentally my home screen and was unable to get back into the settings menu to change it. Having it reset however fixed the end button properly locking the phone now, so sticking with the default menu lock is working alright for me, no trace security needed. Otherwise I started using Handcent SMS and it allows me to set text tones for people which is cool, and offers much nicer text settings than my default one. I still haven’t proper set up voicemail, I guess the settings are much different from regular voicemail, for one you can check and delete the voicemail directly from the phone without having to call it. Much more to play with on this thing, I just don’t find time to care often.

Trying to pull together the funds to build my new machine, hopefully between the next few weeks I hope to have it finished before Katsucon. Probably going to get a Quad-Core if the board supports it. Full specs when I care.

Finally is pretty damn funny, and an almost exact replica of many aspects of my job. Give it a watch.

Now to do me up somemore local tech support. Things I do for pocket change.

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