Monkey Business

stealing your internets which is stealing my time which is stealing your time which is.. wait, what are we stealing again?

EPS Day Two tl;dr: HA HA HA… not a clue

So far it has been going okay. To be honest I am sort of jumbled up, their idea was to essentially throw me into the queue and often ignore me, and it was kind of annoying in a way, because while I know how to speak to a person on a phone, I’m still crippled by the fact that I don’t have a solid understanding of their software or any of their usual business practices. For someone like me who is used to simply supporting the end user and less the product, having to juggle both and effectively more of the latter means I am really spending more time setting up the product and doing all the connections and things with that than really supporting the product. Perhaps I misheard someone along the way, or they underestimated the type of calls they receive, but so far it has been all setups and installs and licensing and billing type things. They have a person who does billing things, but I think it is more going after errors and unpaids and not really start-to-finish setups. I suppose in the grand scheme of things it is because they are such a small company, less than 20 people, and if this were a larger operation, there would be many people in a “Sales and Billing” department handling these types of things leaving us to just have to worry about installing and supporting the software, and it is mostly like that now, but having been through a few calls today, a lot of my questions had to do with sales oriented shit like what edition to get, how many licenses, etc. Troublesome.

Everything takes time though, I’m trying to get more of the software down, how it works, the SQL and IIS backends since many errors revolve around that, many other little things, and hopefully nail down how all the installs and shit works, and hopefully I can start establishing patterns and attack plans to get me through the easy ones faster and the tough ones better. Trying not to come out of the second day with a bunch of complaints or expectations, just kinda wish they designed a little better training before tossing me into the fray, I felt like they were kinda irritated at the fact I kept annoying them on how to do stuff like I didn’t know what was going on, I realize they have side projects and such and I’m the guy who is supposed to basically hold up support full-time, but they really need to help work with me here to get me to that point if they want me to slug through calls all day while they do other stuff.

Thanksgiving this week, going to my mother’s during most of the day and Ashlynn’s aunt’s house at night for dessert. As long as I get a lot of turkey and stuffing, it shall be awesome.

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